A must-ask question
December 18, 2023
“What did you learn about yourself?”
At the end of every Bright Morning team meeting, we ask and answer this question.
It is a simple, yet powerful, question that can be incorporated into any learning experience - formal or informal. For example, consider how powerful it might be to ask this question at the end of a tough teaching period or coaching session. Or at the end of an organized group activity.
Self-knowledge is critical to our development, and too often is something that isn’t explicitly developed. We can change that! Find time with a trusted peer and take turns asking and holding space for the other to answer. If you need to reflect on your own, that works too. But resist the urge to just write or think about the answer. Talk it through. A deeper form of knowing becomes possible when you give voice to your thoughts.
As humans, especially ones drawn to our line of work, we are conditioned to search for meaning. Often that can be achieved through increased understanding of self and an increased ability to do impactful work.
I formed Bright Morning four years ago to support educators across the globe in doing just that. I hope my books, emails, podcast episodes, webinars and the like have, and will continue to lend you this type of support.
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