How to celebrate Coach Appreciation Day
November 5, 2023
Coach Appreciation Day was yesterday, but since it was a Sunday, you can celebrate today, or any time this week! Here are a few suggestions for how to celebrate:
- Appreciate yourself. Write yourself the card that you wish your coachees would write to you. I know this can feel awkward, but try it. I do it for myself all the time (I write myself birthday cards, beginning of the year cards, and more) and it feels really good.
- Appreciate those who have coached or mentored you. Send a text or a card or leave someone a voice message. Be genuine and specific in your appreciations. Keep it simple and speak from your heart.
- Share your learnings. Tell a friend, family member or colleague what you love about being a coach and perhaps what you’ve learned about yourself from coaching. This exercise will help you appreciate your work more deeply.
- Set intentions for the coming year. In one year from now, what do you want to say about yourself as a coach? What kinds of appreciations do you hope you’ll receive?
Do you know who founded Coach Appreciation Day? I did! Because there was no such day, and in 2012 I led a team of fantastic coaches and I wanted to celebrate them and so I declared November 4 to be the day. Mark your calendars so that next year you can celebrate on the actual day!
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