I Made It!
February 5, 2024
EIGHT BOOKS! Last Thursday, on February 1, I submitted the manuscript for my 8th book. I started working on this in 2022, when I thought I was doing a light revision of The Art of Coaching, but I quickly realized that I have learned so much about coaching since I wrote it in 2012, that I needed to write a whole new book.
And so I did. And it’s big. There are a lot of words in it. I am very tired. It took a long time.
I am also SO, SO, SO excited for this book to be born and it’ll be “on the shelves” by August 1!
I started coaching 20 years ago, and I know how to have conversations that connect us to each other, and that often feel pretty good, and that change the experience for children in schools. I know how to have transformational conversations, and I know how to teach you to have them. This book is your comprehensive guide for how to have powerful coaching conversations.
In some ways, this was the hardest book to write. I’ve had a lot of conversations with my inner critic in an attempt to quell those anxieties (maybe you saw those on my Instagram feed? That’s where I’ve been sharing a lot of behind-the-scenes from my writing process the last couple of months).
This month, I’ll be sharing more exciting news about the book and I’ll give you some sneak peeks. For now, I’ll bask in the satisfaction of having completed a massive project and reflect on these questions:
- What did I learn about myself through the process of working on this project?
- If I could go back to the moment when I started it, what advice would I give myself?
- If I could go back in time to the moment when I started it, what might I do differently?
- What do I feel most proud of in terms of the process?
- What do I feel most proud of in terms of the product?
- What do I know about what it took to create this product that no one else will ever know or really understand?
- What’s the kindest thing I can say to myself right now about the process and product?
I’m sharing these questions with you in the hopes that you might find value in using them to reflect on something you’ve done, be that a recent project or one in the past.
In the end, we author our own stories, if we make a conscious choice to do so. Our thoughts are within our control--it’s up to us to slow down and select the ones that truly serve us.
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